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July 21, 2008



I remember those moments - those moments when you realize you've done it! You've managed (somehow) to help your kids appreciate the world around them. Those are the moments I'll never forget.

We took our eight-year-old twin boys on a 12-month, 9300-mile bicycle journey around the USA and Mexico in 2006-07, and we had a number of moments like that. One time I mentioned to my boys that the things I most wanted to show them were the places that were so special to me when I was a kid. Every time we went to one of those places, I would tell them about how I felt when I was there so many years ago.

One night we were sitting around the campfire at the Grand Canyon and Davy said, "You know something, Mom? When I grow up I'm going to take a bike trip just like this with my kids. This is one of those things I'll want to share with them!" It was absolutely priceless.

Our boys are now 10 and we are just starting a 2 1/2 year journey biking from the Artic Ocean down to Tierra del Fuego. So far we've pedaled almost 1500 miles on this trip, and it's the most magical thing I can imagine.

You can read about our journey at www.familyonbikes.org

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