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June 16, 2008


ML Harris

Go Team, to anywhere but Chicago!

Chicago already receives 40 million visitors a year. It already boasts some fairly state of the art sports viewing facilities with a recently revamped Soldier Field and a slightly less new (but still new) United Center. Space along the waterfront is fairly well managed. Leading to the questions of: 1- where to put all the junk that goes with the Olympics and 2- where to put all the people that go with the Olympics.

As a future Chicagoan, I'm rooting for Rio. They could use the economic infusion the most, it would be historic, it would break the "north of the equator" history of the games. And South Americans are the greatest fans on earth of pretty much anything. Watch futbol games from South America. Watch U23D. Listen to Rush in Rio. Compare and contrast with crowds from other futbol games around the world, Rolling Stones "Shine a Light" and other, non-South American live concert records. Rio would be a great Olympics. Chicago would be a nightmare (speaking as a resident, from the start of next week).

Adam Winogrodzki

Hello! I love Madrid, its a great place to go, and now there is lots of stuff to do there as a family. There are restaurants, parks, shops, cinemas and lots of other cool things. Bye. Adam

Hotels in Barcelona

I was at Madrid in 92. What an amazing experience. I hope to relive it in 2016!

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