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June 30, 2008




Fantastic post! Great insight and some beautiful photos.


Wine Tasting Guy

Yeah, Charlie said it - great post and fabulous pictures. Makes me want to jump on a plane and hop a flight straight to the holy land.

One clarification though. As I understand it, the idea of kosher wine and certain people not being able to handle kosher wine is actually not a biblical mandate. It is something that came from leading Rabbi's several thousand years ago as a means to prevent intermarriage. A bit extreme if you ask me, but if it worked for them...


Thanks for such a wonderful post ...it makes me want to head there ..Fruits, nuts , wine and cheese - a great combination and being a vegetarian, it seems rather ideal


Interesting, but I wonder at the title. Much of what is mentioned here are foods or foods resultant of techniques brought there by the diaspora Jews. In Jerusalem many of the Jews whose families have remained in the area over the last two milennia often find the food described here as foreign and nouveau-in its most ungenerous sense. Of course that is with the exception of the unleavened bread-deserved of its culinary praise of primacy.


The food of the Holy Land, with all its influences, Russian, Persian, Asian, African and Arab and Jewish and more, is indeed fabulous though. And undoubtedly worthy of tender nostalgia.


Great Pictures and unusual insights. We loved your books on Iceland and Ukraine. You simply must do a book on the Holy Land!

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