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June 13, 2008



"I hate Illinois Nazis!" -hahaha- another great quote from Blues Brothers
BTW, Blues Brothers has THE greatest chase scene in film EVER! I don't care what anyone thinks-they are wrong!
Also, you could have talked more about Wayne's World because it's awesome. If you write about Wisconsin, talk about their trip to Milwaukee to see Alice Cooper-"it's Algonquin for the good land"

John Ur

Scuse me, I'd like to get by now.

Bill Bria

Thank you John, for this wonderful article.

And for mentioning the Spielberg cameo. The first time I saw the movie I thought "this chase scene is so amazing and crazy that the end of it will probably be a letdown". Then he showed up.

And regarding Ferris, who wouldn't want to tear around Chicago in a hot stolen sports car to the tune of the Star Wars main title? :)

Weekend Roofer

How does this whole blog thing work? All I wanted to state was that It is one of the best cities in the US. Beautiful place and great architecture.

Niki Buchen

Nice blog with so much infos :-) I like it! Greetings, Niki

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