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May 13, 2008



just thought I'd mention that the woman standing behind the chicken is Ginny herself :)


I think maybe things aren't going so well in your life when someone asks you how your weekend went, and you can truthfully answer, "Oh, pretty good. Had a few beers, shot some darts, and then sat around watching chickens crap inside". Texas is so weird.

With that said, "fecund fecal display" is a spectacular phrase.

Miss Cellania

This is much more intimate and easy to arrange than the standard Cow Patty Bingo we see all over the South.




Wow. California has nothing on that- in the desert everything is deadly and moves slowly. Perhaps Beach Blanket Bingo is the closest we ever got. Still, however, this is MUCH funnier- I'm sure it is a heightened level of amusement when drunken.

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