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April 01, 2008



We visited Cambodia in February and were gobstruck both by the wonder of it (wow, what a great place!) and the sheer quantity of humans climbing all over Angkor Wat. I couldn't believe how crappy a job the mgmt company is doing at the temple complex - the diesel buses sit and idle their engines for hours, there's no enforcement around the "keep out" areas, and everyone is pawing the sandstone apsaras because they are so touchable...oh, it's just a heartbreaking mess. Siem Riep's weird suburban sprawl is no help, but forgive me, forgive me, I had to see those temples just like everyone else did, I just HAD to, so I can die in peace.

There was no way I could have stayed home and NOT seen Angkor ...I don't know what a traveler is supposed to do.


Angkor Wat ... Luang Prabang ... huh?


To read the latest news from Cambodia, visit the website : http://www.netvibes.com/cambodia


Cambodia is the very good country i had been and safty with wonderful temple and people, so if you come it will never want to bring you away, it is so attractive. Angkor Wat, Sihanoukville,Phnom penh, and other places in Cambodia are very peaceful beauty.



DOT TRAVEL (CAMBODIA). Is a Cambodian business created by a very organized and highly experienced man who, before starting this business in April 2006, had been working in the travel business as a tour guide for the past nine years?
OUR MISSION: It is our goal and desire to introduce global travelers to the beauty that is Cambodia. As we evolve, one of our most important missions is to share a portion of our profits with Cambodia’s numerous orphaned and economically-deprived children.
We are at DOT TRAVEL (CAMBODIA). Reflect the entrepreneurial spirit of young Cambodians. We are determined to thoughtfully represent Cambodia and her people. Through This website we are pleased to be able to introduce ourselves, our services, and tourism in Cambodia to those with whom we hope to do business in the near future. Thank you for visiting our website and WELCOME TO OUR HOME!
Why book with the middleman when you are able to come directly to the professional we use?



When we arrived a friend took us around in Siem Reap and showed us Angkor Wat. What a great place. I hope, the next time when we visit Cambodia, we will have more time. And be sure that we try to contact you in advance and ask you to be our guide again. Thanks for the informative evening and for arranging with your friend. Have a good time! And if you should come to Europe one day, please do not hesitate to contact us.www.dotcambodia-travel.com

www.dotcambodia-travel.com/ VISITING CAMBODIA

Angkor wat is one of the world heritage to explore the Hidden country and nice people with friendly people.


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