It's been a busy week for us here at IT: with the release of Traveler's Authentic New York issue, we've been bringing you stories, photos and insider tips from NYC. And don't worry, we've only just begun. But we want to hear from you as well. Email us your own favorite places in the city and we'll feature them here in a reader roundup. And don't forget to add your Big Apple photos to our Flickr pool so we can put them up online.
You also might have noticed some tweaks to our site over the past week or so - one is the big, fancy orange RSS feed box that's at the top of the page, allowing you to subscribe to our feed even easier than you could before. The other is the spiffy new email subscription box that's just a bit further down - enabling you to get IT delivered to your inbox each morning, so you don't even have to burden your fingers with typing the web address. And now we have another fun piece of technology for you: a Widget! Our friends over at have been busy in their labs creating our little corkboard buddy, who has maps, photos, and facts about a new place each week. And here's a hint: if you click on the "more links" flag, a certain Traveler blog is easily accessible. So add the widget to your website, social network page, or blog now! Ok, it's been a long week, and we're exhausted, so enjoy the weekend!