Contributing Writer Cathy Healy offers an update on Amsterdam's cab conundrum.
Amsterdam’s first mandatory quality cab stand opened service at the city’s central train station on March 4, just in time for spring break and summer vacation. Intelligent Travel reported earlier this year about hapless tourists who arrive on a red-eye flight from the United States, only to be refused service at the train station by “cowboy cabbies” who wouldn’t give them a ride for less than a €40+ distance.
Dutch police will ensure that only quality cabs will be allowed to offer services at the Central Train Station, with similar stands planned for other popular tourist sites.
In inaugurating the clampdown, Mayor Job Cohen said, “Amsterdam wants to be a number one city that give a hospitable welcome for visitors and takes care of its inhabitants. This requires dedicated and trustworthy drivers, who will serve as hosts to our city."
Thanks to my long-time Amsterdam friend, Peter Baak, who alerted me of the change and translated the story in Blik op Nieuws.
Photo: franklangeweg via the Intelligent Travel Flickr pool