Photographer: Senior editor Norie Quintos, Washington, D.C.
Getting the shot: The shot was taken in Florence, Italy, in October 2007, using an Olympus Evolt E-410.
The details: Florence is known for its style. There are fashionably dressed men and women everywhere you go. Those that aren’t dressed up tend to be tourists. The city is also known for its leather goods. You can smell the hide as you walk through the famous Leather Market in the San Lorenzo area. As I passed this busy storefront window downtown, I had to stop. The scene seemed to encapsulate perfectly the city’s fashionable style and penchant for leather. I would have bought a pair if not for the euro sticker shock.
This picture caught our eye while we were looking through pictures from Norie's recent Italy trip. It seemed like a line of grandes dames casually waving hello.
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