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November 19, 2007


Emily Haile

I just stumbled upon an Australian tour company called Thirsty Swagman, which offers an around the world pub crawl. Talk about debauchery! http://www.worldsbiggestpubcrawl.com/


Even while in college, I wasn't attracted to those things. Now, at 31 years, my idea of a wild night is one spent at home, watching classic movies or cartoons with my wife. Sometimes we stay up till 2 or 3 am! Woo hoo! :-D

As for what these other people are doing, to each their own. Everyone reaps what they sow in the end... In their case, I suppose it's premature aging, baggy eyes, bad reputations and livers, empty bank accounts and possibly even STDs...

There's a peace that comes from being able to enjoy the simpler pleasures of life that can't be matched by the highs promised of any of these hedonistic distractions.


This from a country whose young people travel all over Europe on stag parties turning lovely European hot spots into a nightmare of English drunken-ness...

-An American Expat Abroad

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