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October 04, 2007



Awesome! I'd love to visit someday, but in the meantime this is great - a deep, transporting glimpse into the country. Yay Lolly!

E. S. Lincoln

Thank you for highlighting the travels and writings of Lauren Weinhold. She is a fascinating person and a talented writer, and I expect great things of her in the future.


Peru is indeed a fantastic country to visit. Everywhere you go you see their textiles being marketed, whether it's alpaca in the Andes, or palm-fiber bags in the Amazon. It's really a wonderful country!


Awesome!!!Go Lolly!


a thoughtfully written look into what must have been a life changing experience. as a travel agent (and ardent traveler!) it gave me much needed insight into a beautiful country.


Beautiful pictures, and a beautiful way of life. Thanks for the great post, Lolly!


Great piece! It's refreshing to read from someone who brings a unique perspective such as Lolly does with her textile arts. This is exactly what makes travel so exciting - not only exploring a new country, but discovering the history of your own personal interests. Makes me want to pack a bag and go!


Lolly is an excellent writer and it's always a joy to read her blog!


What an amazing trip. Thank you Lolly and National Geographic for sharing it with us.


Amazing! Yeah Lolly!


Wow, Lolly! Congratulations!:)


I'm packing my case :o)


Wonderful article; thanks for sharing!


Loved all her posts on Peru! Woo Hoo Lolly!!!


Lauren did a wonderful job of exploring the connection between craft and life in her posts. They made me want to travel to Peru and see that interplay so badly!! Thanks for featuring her work.


Yay Lolly!
I loved the posts on your blog and am thrilled it will be shared with yet another audience.


Sounds like a great trip. Textiles must be a fun way to experience travel!


Congrats, Lolly!


You truly capture a beautiful look into Peruivian life!


WTG Lolly! What an awesome start to Socktoberfest!!


Lauren's posting and her reference to the worldwide culture of knitting made me think of the time when Yo Yo Ma's Silk Road Project was the theme of Folklife Festival on the Mall in DC one summer (2002?). Papermakers from different parts of the world demonstrated their skills a few feet from each other. It was very interesting to see the historical and geographical variations of the craft. I met a Japanese papermaker who was invited and traveled outside his country for the first time. The only common language he had with the other papermakers was his craft. I felt fortunate to be there with him when he observed other papermakers with intense curiosity and fascination. Hope Lauren keeps traveling collecting stories of knitters around the world!


Wonderful to read about another textile lover. I was in Peru last November. Loved to watch the weaving and knitting. It's worth going back for!


I enjoyed reading Lolly's adventures in Peru. Her blog has more great entries, including her earthquake experience. The posts are entertaining and insightful at the same time.

Thanks for the great article!


Great Job Lolly! Congratulations! :) I loved reading about your travels.


yay Lolly!

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