In a recent Los Angeles Times op-ed aptly titled "Globalism at 35,000 feet" writer Pico Iyer asks, "How much would you pay to enjoy six hours away from your fellow humans, in a chair that reclines? $1,500 an hour—or even more?" Baffled by the ludicrous price of a business class flight, Iyer wonders why anyone would pay $9,600 for a business class ticket from New York to London when coach sets you back just $500. Here's the crux of his critical (and very amusing) article:
It begins with the inequity of prices. Those paying thousands for the upper deck of the jet effectively set up a gated community in the air, in which people from other classes are not even allowed to visit their restrooms. It continues with the startling inequality of services—and the unsurprising fact that the countries that often score highest for quality of life (Singapore, Australia, New Zealand) also are the ones that offer the most comfortable coach habitations in the sky.
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