IT's trusty Web troller Marilyn Terrell stumbled upon a nifty little source for those of you temperature travelers. She writes:
I just discovered this intriguing feature on the travel website, which is an online travel booking service. You can search by destination, or you can search by average temperature. For example, you can plug in your desired temperature range in the month you intend to be traveling, and see what pops up. As a British site, they kindly offer Fahrenheit as well as Celsius, though their country list is less gratuitous: Their database includes mostly Mediterranean destinations.
I chose the month of March and plugged in my ideal temperature range (73 to 84 degrees), and Youtravel searched their average monthly temperatures database and offered me Egypt, Dubai, Cuba, Florida, the Dominican Republic, and Barbados. For that same temperature range in June, they had a lot more suggestions, including Croatia, Spain, the Canary Islands, Tunisia, Montenegro, Malta, Greece, Turkey and Morocco.
In case you're interested, Marilyn is currently in Florida.