If you take a train to Zug, a lovely Swiss town that's become a ritzy suburb of Zurich, it's best to arrive at night. Although you'll miss the view of Lake Zug and the mountain (the Zugerberg), you'll be able to appreciate the subtly shifting light installation in their recently redesigned train station. Built mostly of glass, the five-story bahnhof starts off glowing blue, then almost imperceptibly turns purple, then pink, then sunset orange, then red, then slowly back to pink, purple, and midnight blue, all in the space of two and a half minutes. An American artist named James Turrell designed the permanent light show, which contrasts strikingly with the traditional Swiss architecture of the town. When Traveler's chief researcher Marilyn Terrell was there this fall, several photographers had set up cameras on tripods to catch the changing lights, so she was surprised to find not a single YouTube video of this phenomenon. She contacted Zug Tourism and the Swiss Railways, but although they had still shots, they had no video. Still shots can't capture the effect, so she asked her brother who lives in Zug with his family to shoot a short video, which he graciously provided here: an Inside Traveler exclusive! (Warning: not much happens between 0:40 and 1:40. Take a minute to meditate.)