We here at IT love our jobs, but are vaguely aware that not all people feel the same way about their places of employment. Three years ago, Brian Kurth founded a company to help those in nightmare jobs (or even just not-exactly-fantasy jobs) try out the careers of their dreams. VocationVacations allows customers to spend their vacation shadowing a "mentor" in their dream field, combining travel with a little grown-up dress-up. And a contest this month will allow one person to try out the service for free.
VocationVacations can be as short as a day (the norm seems to be two or three), and cost upward of $349. The list
of 100-plus current offerings starts with actor, alpaca farmer and
animal therapist, moves through bootmaker, clock restorer, and
meteorologist to finish up with wine sommelier and yoga studio owner.
As yet it is not possible to shadow a zookeeper, but the company says
this opportunity will be coming soon. Current destinations range across 33 states and a peek at the website's "Dream Job Search Finder" suggests the U.K. will soon be an option (at the moment no mentors come up when you run a U.K. search).
The contest, launched ten days ago, is sponsored by Weekend Today and More magazine. Entrants must submit a 250-word essay or 60-second video explaining why they deserve a VocationVacation. One winner will receive said vacation, up to a value of $2,000 (the cost of trying out the life of a pit crew member or a wedding coordinator). Theoretically you can apply by mail or online, but it's not exactly clear how to send in essays electronically.
One more thing: If you think someone you know ought to take a VocationVacation, and you don't think they'd be likely to shell out or win the contest, you can always buy them a gift certificate for that three-day stint as an auctioneer. Starbucks Cards are so 2001.