IT travels a fair amount, both on our own and vicariously through our friends and co-workers. Even so, the list of places we want to go tends to expand rather than contract, and we were pleased when we found a website to help us keep track of our travel fantasies. 43 Places is an off-shoot of the goal-setting site, 43 Things and allows members to list the places in the world they wish to travel, as well as communicate with others who share their interest or have already been. Registration is free, but unregistered visitors can also take advantage of this resource, visiting both destination and member pages.
Destination pages include elements typical to this kind of site, like photos uploaded by members, user comments, and the obligatory Google Maps link, as well as more unique features, like the percentage of members who have declared a location "worth visiting," and events taking place from You can search the site for specific destinations, scan the random lists of places at the bottom of every page for something that intrigues you, or browse lists of the newest additions to the site and the most popular places.
If you choose to sign up, the niftiest feature is the world map on your member page, which highlights all the places you've visited in blue and all your dream destinations in orange. Right now, IT's map resembles a pumpkin with a smattering of blue freckles. We plan on working it up to a full-on cobalt tan.